Sunday, May 2, 2010

Blast From The Past

I used to do the blog thing when I was on MySpace all the time (oh, the horror). Here's one I saw that still rings true with me today...

August 21, 2007 - Tuesday

Current mood: annoyed
Ok, maybe I'm just stressed out from work, maybe it's cuz it's been all rainy and blah that last couple weeks, maybe I'm just PMSing *heh*...but there have been some things out there (both on the net and in the "real" world) that have just been rubbing me the wrong way lately.

Here is my list, in no particular order...

Illannoy drivers. Do I really need to explain this? I work in the Dells, a major FIB gathering place, and in the last week I have been cut off twice by some FIB arse who needs to get to McDonalds NOW. The thing that really gets me is the McNasty's they're trying to get to has got at least 3 different ways to enter...if they miss that ever cherished first driveway, there are 2 other ways they can get there to fill up on Big Mac's and shorten their lifespan. McDonald's isn't even that good...I had a chicken sandwich from them a few months back, and it felt like I swallowed a rock for a few hours afterward. Seriously people...if you *need* fast food, do yourself a favor and go to Culvers, their food actually has flavor!

PEOPLE WHO POST ON INTERNET FORUMS AND FEEL THE NEED TO USE ALL CAPS. I mean really...why? I can understand doing it once in a while, like if you wanna make a major announcement along the lines of "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" or "CONGRATULATIONS" or something, or if it was something you only did periodically...but every damn thread??? "I PETTED MY CAT TODAY" or "I LIKE POTATO SALAD" really do not need the "hear ye, hear ye, now hear this!" treatment. Last time I checked, in netland text in all caps was considered the same as shouting, and it is really rather rude when done just for the hell of it. Your usage of caps will not make people more inclined to read your posts...if anything, it'll make folks pass 'em by (like I usually do)

People who call my cellphone, but don't leave a message. It's not that big of a deal if you're on my contact list, but if you're not...and you call me...and you don't leave a message...I will not call back. As far as I'm concerned you dialed a wrong number (since a lot of the times when I have called some of those numbers back is HAS been a wrong number)

People who open the polybaged magazines at the bookstore. STOP IT!!! When I buy my copy of PC Gamer or Wizard I want to get all the stuff that comes with it. If you want the demo disc that bad, buy your own copy of the fucking magazine, don't steal the disc out of mine ya cheap bastards

People who use their cellphone whilst send text messages. Just talking on your cellphone not endangering people quite enough? Well then, better start doing something that will COMPLETELY take your concentration away from the road Maybe if you're really lucky you'll hit somebody and if the fates are truly with you you'll send someone to the hospital or end up there yourself. Score! (I do have to say tho, the one plus side I see to this is the majority of people that I see doing that kind of shit drive SUV's...that herd could use a cullin'.)

Waitstaff who constantly forget to ring in orders. "Oh, I meant to order a well done NY strip about 15 minutes ago, and they're in a hurry, could I get it on the fly please?" or "Oh, this is supposed to be the appetizer for the order I rang in 10 minutes ago, can I get it first?" <-said as the order is going up in the window. And people wonder why cooks drink. A lot. Ahhhh...I feel better now

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